
Showing posts from August, 2018

A Few Things I Saw in Budapest

I had too short a time in this magical city. Two cities, really; stately Buda on the hill, and the vibrant Pest which arose on the slat plains by the river. A morning spent in the luxurious SzĂ©chenyi Baths . An opportunity not to be missed, passing my time this Belle Epoch beauty, at times frequented by royalty.. And then there is the shopping. Budapest is famous for its shopping, especially in Pest where anything and everything can be found. A pig in a carriage? No worries. Finally, the Houses of Parliament. More stunning than any photograph can make them. An amazing piece of architecture, and simply magical when seen at night under a full moon. Like my photos? - if you feel like contributing to my coffers, please click the link to buy my photos from the micro-stock site  123RF.  Cheers!  Otherwise, please click the link if you are inspired to travel , or simply looking for ideas or advice.

A Grotto in Halong Bay

Halong Bay is a place of soaring limestone cliffs - which come with their own caves. Although once home to a dragon , the Thien Cung Grotto was hidden by the jungle until discovered by fishermen seeking shelter from a sudden tempest. Wandering through, I came across this little nook. Gollum's cave, perhaps?

Some Reasons I Love Coffee

I love my coffee. A tad of an obsession, maybe. Especially as I roast my own, which makes me more than a little fussy about what I drink. But then, when travelling it gives me an excuse to try different types around the world , such as at a street side stall in Vietnam.

Bocce di Leone

I found this Bocce di Leone while wandering around Venice as the sun was rising. (I always love exploring a place in the early morning, watching the streets wake up around me. In Venice I also watch the gondolas with their gondoliers set off to work.) These Lion's Mouths  were used during the Republic to make complaints and denunciations against individuals - a concerned citizen put a letter in the mouth, and the State investigated. Significant evidence was required before the State would act, and a signed, rather than anonymous, letter was preferred. Walk around Venice, and you can still find these - the Doge's Palace, for example, or the Church of St Martin. Wander Venice, and you'll never quite know what you will find .

Dreaming of Paris

So, as winter fades to spring in the Antipodes, my thoughts are turning to Paris.